It was such an amazing experience to talk to Jordan on Christmas! He is doing such an amazing job out there in Washington and even though he is freezing his buns off he is so happy! He let us know that he has enough candy to last him until next christmas and he loved all the gifts from everyone. He told us a really sweet story of an older lady who ran towards their car and then threw money into their window while screaming " Merry Christmas" lol He also said that once while they were tracting they came upon a lady who open her door and just stared at them for like 5 minutes. She thought that they were FBI agents so instead of saying anything she just looked at them and said "My answering machine is full" and them slammed the random ha ha overally Jordan misses everyone so much but loves serving the lord and wouldn't want to be anywhere else!! \
At the end of August my little sister Bradi went out to North Carolina for school. Little did we know that when she came home for Christmas break she would be getting married to somebody we have never even met. Bradi and Corey met in October, were engaged in November, and married in December. Since they were in the full swing of school and across the country we couldn't take their engagement pictures until the day before the wedding, that gave us only a half an hour to shoot but we ended up getting a ton of cute pictures. Did I mention that I had to edit them and get them printed before the next day for the wedding...crazy kids you almost killed me!
Ellie has just found out that she can stand on her legs!! She is getting so strong and loves to stand up now. She is really good at balancing if you put her up against something! I can't believe how fast she is changing, there is something new every day!
We bundled Ellie all up so we could take her outside to see her first big snow storm! She is so dang cute in her little snow suit :) Look how strong she is getting with her legs..she loves standing now and it makes her look so old!
On Sunday we got together with Cj's family for a pajama movie night! Greg, Cj's step dad showed up in his tinker bell pj's, slippers, and was hilarious!! We were all supposed to bring a treat and everyone ended up bringing a cake! I never make anything, i always buy something but i was feeling ambitious so i made " Better then SEX cake" turned out so yummy! We sat down together and watched "Elf" and had a good ol' time! I love Christmas time!
We are going to try and do the 25 days of Christmas this year...even if it is only something small every day. So for Day 1, we put together our Christmas cards and got them sent out!! Wahoo!! Last year i bought cards and never sent them out, so this year i promised myself i would accomplish at least that much! So here is our Christmas card...Merry Christmas to you all!
Ahhhh...Jacob Black is sooo Hott!! Whoa baby! I was lucky enough to see "New Moon" twice within 8 hours :) I first saw it Thursday night with my mom and some of her friends, then me and my mom saw it again with my sister, aunts, cousins, and grandma Friday morning! It was so much fun and i loved the movie! Of course it was a little cheesy and Bella's acting can be a little over dramatic at times, but that's what you expect and that's why we love it! It was so funny because when we saw the movie the second time the theater was filled with girls young and old, and every time Jacob would take off his shirt you wold hear screams, sighs, and hearts jumping out of their chests and onto the floor ( mine was one of them :) ) Good times! Good Times!
Ellie has started eating baby food! It makes me sad that she is already big enough to be eating baby food, where does the time go? The doctor told us to start with orange baby food that is a we started with butternut squash! She didn't like it at first but she has really grown to love it...this week we tried BANANAS and she really really loves those! So for breakfast she gets bananas and for dinner she get squash! I didn't realize though how time consuming and messy baby food is compared to a bottle though! I love my little monkey!
Ellie is 4 months old!! We just went to the doctors to get all of her immunizations :( It was terrible. She was so happy at the doctors office and she loved hearing the sound of the paper crinkling when she would kick her legs all over the place! Then those nurses came in and stabbed my little girl....her legs were so sore after and bruised! She gave me a look of hate as she cried in my arms after. I hate that they have to stick those needles in her legs. Are we not advanced enough to give immunizations in ice cream or something! Other then the pain the doctors office was a success, Ellie is healthy and growing like crazy!
4 month STATS! Weight : 12 pounds 8 oz (30 %) Height : 25 1/2 inches long (90%) Head : 16 inches (50%)