Thats right i just ran my first half marathon on Saturday and it was amazing! My mom, dad, me and my mom's work office has been training since February to run this 13.1 mile race in provo. I have to say that am not a runner at all but i was so excited to challenge myself with this race. The race started at 8:00 in the morning and the weather was FREEZING...while running the race we endured hail, rain, snow, wind, and a tiny bit of sunshine. But by the time that came out our clothes were soaked and freezing to our skin. I have to say that i am really proud of myself and the race i ran. I beat the goal i set for myself and was so proud to watch both my parents cross the finish line. I can't wait to run my next race and hopefully beat my time.... I am in a ton of pain after the race but my heart is so full with accomplishment!! If you want to check out some fun races that will be taking place this summer go to